Textos em Inglês para Interpretação com Gabarito em PDF

Olá! Se você está procurando melhorar suas habilidades de compreensão em inglês, veio ao lugar certo. Neste post, vamos explorar como os textos em inglês para interpretação, acompanhados de gabaritos em PDF, podem ser uma ferramenta valiosa para o aprendizado autônomo ou em sala de aula.
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Por Que Usar Textos em Inglês para Interpretação?
Compreensão de Texto Aprimorada
Ler textos em inglês e interpretá-los é uma maneira excelente de aprimorar não apenas seu vocabulário, mas também suas habilidades analíticas. Ao se deparar com diferentes formatos de textos, desde artigos informativos até narrativas complexas, você desafia sua mente a entender e interpretar nuances e contextos diversos.
O que você ganha com isso:
- Melhora na velocidade e na eficiência da leitura;
- Capacidade de entender contextos mais amplos e detalhes sutis em textos diversos;
- Aumento da retenção de vocabulário e expressões idiomáticas.
Preparação para Testes
Muitos exames de proficiência em inglês, como TOEFL e IELTS, exigem que o candidato demonstre competência em interpretação de texto. Praticar com textos acompanhados de gabaritos permite que você se familiarize com o tipo de perguntas e respostas esperadas nesses testes.
Como isso ajuda:
- Você se acostuma com o formato das perguntas de exames;
- Pode verificar imediatamente suas respostas com os gabaritos fornecidos, identificando áreas que precisam de mais atenção;
- Reduz a ansiedade do teste ao se sentir mais preparado.
Envolvimento Ativo no Aprendizado
Ao trabalhar com textos para interpretação e seus respectivos gabaritos, você se envolve ativamente no processo de aprendizagem. Isso significa que você não está apenas passivamente recebendo informações, mas está interagindo com o material, o que pode aumentar significativamente sua capacidade de retenção e compreensão.
Por que isso é importante:
- Aprendizado ativo leva a uma maior retenção de conhecimento;
- Encoraja um pensamento crítico e questionador;
- Permite ajustes imediatos na sua abordagem de estudo, graças ao feedback instantâneo dos gabaritos.
Confira a Seleção de Atividades de Interpretação
Os gabaritos das atividades de interpretação de texto em inglês estão logo abaixo. E no final do post as atividades e gabaritos podem ser baixados em pdf.
Confira uma seleção de materiais em inglês para baixar grátis: (clique e confira)
Activity 1: A Day at the Park
Last Saturday, Emma and her family went to the park. They brought a picnic basket with sandwiches, fruits, and juice. Emma played with her dog, Max, while her parents relaxed on a blanket. Later, they took a walk around the park and saw ducks in the pond. It was a wonderful day for everyone!
- Where did Emma and her family go last Saturday?
a) The beach
b) The park
c) The mall
- Where did Emma and her family go last Saturday?
- What did they bring with them?
a) A picnic basket
b) A toy
c) A ball
- What did they bring with them?
- What did Emma do in the park?
a) Played with her dog
b) Rode a bike
c) Went swimming
- What did Emma do in the park?
- What did they see in the park?
a) Cats
b) Ducks
c) Birds
- What did they see in the park?
Activity 2: My Favorite Hobby
I love painting! It is my favorite hobby. Every weekend, I spend hours in my room with my paintbrushes and canvas. I like to paint landscapes, especially sunsets. My mom says I’m very good at it. One day, I want to become a professional artist and have my own gallery.
- What is the person’s favorite hobby?
a) Writing
b) Painting
c) Dancing
- What is the person’s favorite hobby?
- What does the person like to paint?
a) Animals
b) Flowers
c) Landscapes
- What does the person like to paint?
- Who says the person is good at painting?
a) Their mom
b) Their teacher
c) Their friend
- Who says the person is good at painting?
- What is their dream?
a) To be a teacher
b) To be an artist
c) To be a writer
- What is their dream?
Activity 3: The School Trip
Last week, our class went on a school trip to the zoo. We saw many animals like lions, elephants, and monkeys. My favorite was the giraffe because it is so tall and graceful. We also had a guide who told us interesting facts about the animals. It was a fun and educational day.
- Where did the class go on their school trip?
a) To the park
b) To the zoo
c) To the museum
- Where did the class go on their school trip?
- What was the person’s favorite animal?
a) The lion
b) The elephant
c) The giraffe
- What was the person’s favorite animal?
- Who told them facts about the animals?
a) A teacher
b) A guide
c) A zookeeper
- Who told them facts about the animals?
- How did the person describe the giraffe?
a) Short and fast
b) Tall and graceful
c) Strong and brave
- How did the person describe the giraffe?
Activity 4: The Birthday Party
It was Sarah’s birthday last Friday, and she had a big party at her house. All her friends came to celebrate. There was a huge cake with candles, and everyone sang “Happy Birthday.” Sarah received many gifts, including a new bicycle. They played games and danced all night. It was the best birthday party Sarah ever had!
- When was Sarah’s birthday?
a) Last Saturday
b) Last Friday
c) Last Sunday
- When was Sarah’s birthday?
- What did Sarah receive as a gift?
a) A book
b) A bicycle
c) A doll
- What did Sarah receive as a gift?
- What did everyone do at the party?
a) They watched a movie
b) They played games and danced
c) They went swimming
- What did everyone do at the party?
- How did Sarah feel about the party?
a) She didn’t like it
b) She thought it was fun
c) It was the best birthday party she ever had
- How did Sarah feel about the party?
Activity 5: A Trip to the Beach
During the summer, my family and I love to go to the beach. We always wake up early, pack our towels, sunscreen, and snacks, and drive to the coast. My brother and I enjoy swimming in the ocean and building sandcastles. My mom likes to read under an umbrella, while my dad plays volleyball. It’s a perfect way to spend the summer days!
- Where does the family go during the summer?
a) To the mountains
b) To the beach
c) To the park
- Where does the family go during the summer?
- What do the siblings enjoy doing?
a) Reading and playing volleyball
b) Swimming and building sandcastles
c) Hiking and fishing
- What do the siblings enjoy doing?
- What does the mom like to do at the beach?
a) Read under an umbrella
b) Swim in the ocean
c) Build sandcastles
- What does the mom like to do at the beach?
- How does the family feel about spending summer days at the beach?
a) It’s too hot for them
b) They think it’s boring
c) It’s a perfect way to spend summer days
- How does the family feel about spending summer days at the beach?
Activity 6: My Best Friend
My best friend’s name is Lucas. We’ve been friends since kindergarten. Lucas is very funny, and he loves to tell jokes that make everyone laugh. He is also very good at soccer, and we play together every weekend. Lucas always helps me with my homework, and we study for tests together. I’m lucky to have such a great friend!
- What is the name of the person’s best friend?
a) John
b) Mark
c) Lucas
- What is the name of the person’s best friend?
- What is Lucas good at?
a) Singing
b) Soccer
c) Swimming
- What is Lucas good at?
- When do they play soccer together?
a) Every weekend
b) Every day
c) Once a month
- When do they play soccer together?
- How does the person feel about Lucas?
a) He’s very lucky to have him as a friend
b) He thinks Lucas is not a good friend
c) He doesn’t like Lucas’ jokes
- How does the person feel about Lucas?
Activity 7: At the Zoo
Last weekend, my family and I visited the zoo. We saw many animals like lions, tigers, and elephants. My favorite animal was the giraffe because it has a long neck and eats from the tallest trees. We took lots of pictures, and I even got to feed some of the animals. It was a fun and educational trip!
- Where did the family go last weekend?
a) To the park
b) To the zoo
c) To the beach
- Where did the family go last weekend?
- What was the person’s favorite animal?
a) The lion
b) The tiger
c) The giraffe
- What was the person’s favorite animal?
- What did the person do at the zoo?
a) Took pictures and fed some animals
b) Played with the animals
c) Ran around the zoo
- What did the person do at the zoo?
- How was the trip described?
a) Boring
b) Fun and educational
c) Tiring and hot
- How was the trip described?
Activity 8: The Science Project
Tom and his classmates were working on a science project. Their goal was to build a volcano model that could erupt using baking soda and vinegar. They spent the entire afternoon painting the volcano and preparing the materials. When it was ready, they added the vinegar and baking soda. The volcano erupted with foam, and everyone was excited! It was a successful project, and they were proud of their work.
- What was Tom and his classmates’ goal?
a) To build a rocket
b) To create a volcano model
c) To make a robot
- What was Tom and his classmates’ goal?
- What materials did they use to make the volcano erupt?
a) Water and sugar
b) Baking soda and vinegar
c) Oil and salt
- What materials did they use to make the volcano erupt?
- How did they feel when the volcano erupted?
a) Sad
b) Excited
c) Confused
- How did they feel when the volcano erupted?
- What did they do in the afternoon?
a) Played soccer
b) Painted the volcano and prepared the materials
c) Studied for a test
- What did they do in the afternoon?
Activity 9: The Family Picnic
Every year, Jane’s family has a picnic in the countryside. This year, they packed sandwiches, fruit, and lemonade. They drove to a quiet park with lots of trees and a beautiful lake. Jane and her brother played frisbee while their parents relaxed under a tree. After lunch, they went for a walk around the lake and took many pictures. Jane loved spending time with her family in nature.
- Where does Jane’s family go for their yearly picnic?
a) To the beach
b) To the countryside
c) To the mountains
- Where does Jane’s family go for their yearly picnic?
- What did they pack for the picnic?
a) Pizza and soda
b) Sandwiches, fruit, and lemonade
c) Chips and cake
- What did they pack for the picnic?
- What did Jane and her brother do at the picnic?
a) Played frisbee
b) Rode bikes
c) Played soccer
- What did Jane and her brother do at the picnic?
- How did Jane feel about the picnic?
a) She didn’t enjoy it
b) She loved it
c) She thought it was boring
- How did Jane feel about the picnic?
Activity 10: A Visit to the Library
Maria loves reading, so she visits the library every week. Last Monday, she went to borrow new books for the month. She chose three books: one about science, one about history, and a novel. After choosing the books, she sat in a quiet corner to read the first chapter of the novel. Maria enjoys the peaceful environment of the library and always finds interesting books to read.
- How often does Maria visit the library?
a) Every day
b) Every month
c) Every week
- How often does Maria visit the library?
- How many books did Maria borrow this time?
a) Three books
b) Two books
c) Four books
- How many books did Maria borrow this time?
- What type of books did Maria choose?
a) One about art, one about sports, and a novel
b) One about science, one about history, and a novel
c) One about animals, one about nature, and a novel
- What type of books did Maria choose?
- What did Maria do after choosing the books?
a) Went home
b) Read the first chapter of the novel
c) Talked to the librarian
- What did Maria do after choosing the books?
Gabarito dos Textos de Para Intrerpretação em Inglês
Activity 1: A Day at the Park
- b) The park
- a) A picnic basket
- a) Played with her dog
- b) Ducks
Activity 2: My Favorite Hobby
- b) Painting
- c) Landscapes
- a) Their mom
- b) To be an artist
Activity 3: The School Trip
- b) To the zoo
- c) The giraffe
- b) A guide
- b) Tall and graceful
Activity 4: The Birthday Party
- b) Last Friday
- b) A bicycle
- b) They played games and danced
- c) It was the best birthday party she ever had
Activity 5: A Trip to the Beach
- b) To the beach
- b) Swimming and building sandcastles
- a) Read under an umbrella
- c) It’s a perfect way to spend summer days
Activity 6: My Best Friend
- c) Lucas
- b) Soccer
- a) Every weekend
- a) He’s very lucky to have him as a friend
Activity 7: At the Zoo
- b) To the zoo
- c) The giraffe
- a) Took pictures and fed some animals
- b) Fun and educational
Activity 8: The Science Project
- b) To create a volcano model
- b) Baking soda and vinegar
- b) Excited
- b) Painted the volcano and prepared the materials
Activity 9: The Family Picnic
- b) To the countryside
- b) Sandwiches, fruit, and lemonade
- a) Played frisbee
- b) She loved it
Activity 10: A Visit to the Library
- c) Every week
- a) Three books
- b) One about science, one about history, and a novel
- b) Read the first chapter of the novel
Conclusão: Aprimorando o Inglês de Forma Estratégica
Utilizar textos em inglês para interpretação com gabarito em PDF é uma maneira excelente de desenvolver suas habilidades de leitura e compreensão em inglês. Ao se engajar ativamente com esses materiais, você não apenas melhora seu inglês, mas também se prepara melhor para desafios acadêmicos e profissionais futuros. Lembre-se de que a chave é a consistência e a prática regular.
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